I recently downloaded the community version of PARADISe from Kromath because I was experiencing issues with the Excel report. However, with this new version a new error message pops up after I try to generate the Excel report, as:
"PARADISe has encountered an error due to:
Error using fprintf
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier"
And when I look at the error message in the logbook of the program it reads:
"Error in ExportResults.databaseLookUp (line124)
Error in ExportResults.exportResultsToExcel (line 81)
Error in paradiseData/exportPeakTable (line2725)
Error in paradise/Analysis_Callback (line1994)
Error in
Appdesigner.internal.servise.AppManagementService/executeCallback (line 172)
Error in
Matlab.apps.AppsBase>@(source,event)executeCallback(ams,app,callback,requiresEventData,event) (line 62)
Is this a common error, and do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this type of error?
Dear Aryasai, It is not immediately clear what causes this error, have you looked at the PARADISe diary? either the file or in the logbook window? I suggest you ensure you have read and write access to the output directory. We sometime file access errors causing a failure. One workaround might be to run PARADISe with administrative access, then access issues should not occur.
Best, The Kromath Team Jesper